Advantages of Having a Caravan Fridge Freezer on a Trip

If you love to travel or go camping, you may want to consider investing in a caravan fridge freezer to keep your food stash properly preserved and also to ensure your cold drinks stay refreshing. It can be a better option over a regular cooler or icebox, as it has its own cooling function that eliminates the need to buy and refill the container with ice. That way, it is like your portable refrigerator, which can be handy when you are going off-grid. Here are more advantages to having one on your next trip:

• Runs efficiently

A caravan fridge freezer can operate using power from the 12-volt electrical system of your vehicle and can run off mains electricity when your campsite offers that. If you have an absorption model the fridge can also run off gas – a great alternative if you want to conserve your caravan battery. But you will need to ensure you always have enough gas to run your fridge.

• Suitable to your needs

Fridge-freezers come in different sizes, so there should be a perfect unit for your needs. Only travelling for short stints and you’re a couple? A 40L to 60L fridge should suffice! Travelling for longer periods and have capacity for a bigger fridge? Our range goes up to a huge 224 litres! So there is definitely a fridge for every requirement! A larger fridge-freezer may seem better, but remember that a bigger one will draw more current, take up more space in your caravan, and possibly push your vehicle over its gross vehicle mass when filled with too many goods. It is important to consider all aspects prior to choosing the biggest fridge in the range.

• Avoid food spoilage

You would not want to experience food poisoning or other stomach ailments while you are out in the wilderness and with no proper facilities. You can avoid that incident by making sure that your food is properly preserved in a caravan fridge freezer. It can prolong the shelf life of perishable goods, so they remain safe to eat throughout your trip. Thirsty? Simply grab your favourite cold beverage from the fridge freezer, and it will be chilled and refreshing to your liking.

• Camp peacefully

A high-quality absorption or three-way caravan fridge freezer can run on 12 or 240 volts and LPG. It operates quietly, so you do not have to worry about annoying humming noises that could keep you up at night. Compressor fridges on the other hand are renown for their quiet operation!


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