Which Cooktop Should You Choose for Your New Caravan Kitchen?

A bad caravan oven cooktop means a bad camping experience. Don't let it ruin your off-the-grid adventure. Invest in a new oven cooktop for your RV and have fun cooking and eating your favourite dishes wherever you might end up going. But with the variety of caravan oven cooktops in the market, how do you make sure you are choosing the best one? Here are some tips:

Alcohol vs. gas vs. electric

If you want to choose the caravan oven cooktops that are preferred by chefs, then go for a gas cooktop. The heat produced by this type of cooktop is easier to adjust. It will allow you to cook food quicker since the flames can heat up the sides of the pan. Thus, it can be more energy-efficient than the other two types.

Electric hot plates are also great choices if you are looking for a safe and easy cooktop to use in the RV. You won't have to worry about where you should store gas, or about running out of gas. But if you want something more portable and quieter than gas and electric, choose caravan cooktops that run on alcohol. 

Number of burners

Unless you are going to be selling food on the road, you can usually manage with a 2-burner cooktop. Consider how much space you have in the caravan. The key is to look for models that are designed specifically for confined spaces.


Some caravan oven cooktops let you enjoy cooking as though you were in your home kitchen. They are easy to use, featuring ergonomic knobs for convenient control. Most models have lids, allowing you to protect the hobs and gain additional workspace in the RV's kitchen. Other features worth noting are detachable pan stands that make cleaning pans a breeze.


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